Boosting Vocal Health Naturally: Nutrition and Supplements for Singers with Allergies
As a singer, maintaining optimal vocal health is crucial, and seasonal allergies can pose a significant challenge. From nasal congestion to throat irritation, allergies can impact performance and vocal endurance. The good news is that a well-balanced diet, rich in fresh foods, herbs, and spices, can support your immune system and alleviate allergy symptoms naturally. Supplementation can then be used to fill any nutritional gaps. Let's explore how to optimize your diet to combat hay fever and seasonal allergies.
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Fresh Foods to Reduce Allergies
Firstly, and above all else, I recommend looking at what you eat. It is absolutely possible to supplement your daily diet by incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your routine. This can help your body manage allergic reactions more effectively and can be a cheaper and healthier alternative to spending lots of money on unnecessary supplements. Aim to eat a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables to provide lots of fiber. Ideally, you should try to eat a minimum of 30 different fresh foods each week, including fruit, veg, legumes, pulses and grains. Here are some powerful foods to consider including:
1. Vitamin C-Rich Foods
Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that can help reduce the severity of allergic reactions. It is also beneficial as it helps the body to absorb other goodies like collagen and iron:
Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits)
Bell peppers
Kiwi fruit
Pineapple (also contains Bromelain, which is fab for reducing congestion)
2. Anti-Inflammatory Foods
These foods help combat inflammation, reducing nasal swelling and throat irritation:
Turmeric contains the active compound curcumin (take turmeric with black pepper to activate the curcumin!)
Ginger - commonly known for helping with digestion, it is also a great addition to the diet in helping aid respiration
Walnuts and flaxseeds (rich in omega 3s)
Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines)
3. Quercetin-Rich Foods
Quercetin is a natural antioxidant that stabilizes mast cells, helping to prevent histamine release. If you know when allergy season is worst for you, it can be helpful to start increasing these foods in your diet in the months preceding allergy season:
Leafy greens (kale, spinach, lettuce)
4. Pre & Probiotic Foods
A healthy gut microbiome can support the immune system and help reduce allergic reactions. There is growing evidence of the importance of gut health for our overall wellbeing, and gut health correlates with the instance of seasonal allergies, too. As stated above, the latest research from America recommends eating at least 30 different wholefoods each week. This includes, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes - even coffee beans are included in the list! Where possible, eat your fruit and veg raw (or steamed), to maximise the digestive benefit from the fibre. In addition to prebiotic foods, the following natural probiotic foods are a fantastic way to feed the gut flora:
Yogurt (with live cultures)
Probiotics are live micro organisms and can also boost immunity and improve the look of your skin. They’re said to reduce depression as well as aid good digestion too.
High-Histamine Foods to Avoid
When your seasonal allergies are at their worst, it may be beneficial to avoid foods that are high in histamine, as they can exacerbate symptoms such as nasal congestion and inflammation. Some high-histamine foods to limit or exclude include:
Aged cheeses
Fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt)
Processed meats
Alcohol (especially wine and beer)
Vinegar-containing foods (pickles, condiments)
Instead, focus on the fresh, whole foods that naturally help lower histamine levels, such as vitamin C-rich fruits and other leafy greens.
Herbs and Spices for Allergy Relief
Certain herbs and spices have natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate symptoms:
Nettle Leaf: Acts as a natural antihistamine
Peppermint: Helps clear nasal passages
Turmeric: Reduces inflammation
Garlic: Supports immune function
Rosemary: Contains rosmarinic acid, which may relieve allergy symptoms
Fifth Ray Tea: Contains several known anti inflammatory and immune boosting ingredients. Although the drink is designed for gut health, you will hopefully begin to recognise the link between a healthy gut and reduced seasonal allergy symptoms.
Supplements to Consider
While a nutrient-dense diet is the foundation of good health, supplements can provide additional support for singers with allergies - especially those of you who choose vegetarian or vegan diet or who are restricted on what you can eat due to allergies.
Here are some suggestions:
Vitamin C: If dietary intake is insufficient, supplementation can provide an extra boost
Collagen: For vegans and vegetarians, there is nowhere in our diet that we can obtain collagen because humans find it in meat, so for the plant-based - I HIGHLY recommend supplementing your collagen. My favourite is Feel Collagen which you can get in powder or gel format. It is the worlds 1st vegan collagen and as well as helping your skin on the outside - collagen helps your body on the inside too - it also has Vitimin C in it, so no need to buy twice ;)
Quercetin: Available in supplement form for those who want higher doses than you can provide in your diet
Pre & probiotics: To support gut health, replenish or support the microbiome and boost immunity
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Preferably use algae-based Omega supplements for anti-inflammatory benefits (rather than fish!); kinder on the declining fish population and tastes better too.
Bromelain: Found in pineapple, helps reduce sinus congestion and inflammation
Vitamin D: Supports immune function, especially in individuals with limited sun exposure
For singers, allergies can be more than just a seasonal nuisance; they can directly impact performance and vocal quality. By prioritizing a diet rich in fresh foods, herbs, and spices, and strategically incorporating supplements when needed, you can manage symptoms effectively and keep your voice in top shape. Remember, each singer's body is unique, so it's essential to find the right combination that works for you.
Stay consistent with your nutrition, and your voice will thank you!